As your Mentor, I want to help you grow, change, develop, and achieve your goals and intentions. You are responsible for your life, and ultimately changes you chose to engage with.
Our appointments will be via video call zoom, on of the most stable platforms which is close to being GDPR friendly. It is the clients responsibility to attend each session on time and prepare for the session.
All 1:1 services are not any type of psychological counselling, but may address specific personal issues that you bring up. Other mentoring services include values clarification, education, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests.
By registering for a Reiki session you are agreeing that all medical and personal information provided to us are accurate and true, to the best of your knowledge. Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatment to interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. All Reiki treatments received from The Water Pixie is not to be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis or treatment. Healing and medicine are two different things.
Reiki always works to serve the highest good of all concerned. Based on this principle, as desire outcome may or may not result from a Reiki session. The effects of a Reiki treatment is unique for every recipient and information and testimonials on this site are a compilation of different clients personal and unique experiences and does not represent all Reiki experiences.
By booking and receiving a session of any kind, client agree to accept full responsibility that they are solely in charge of their life journey, life choices and transformation, and agree to take complete responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, and for the decisions that lead to necessary shifts in attitudes and lifestyle.
Payment is required prior to session commencement and is payable via BACS or via credit card on the website. The payment is for the time and experience of the mentor and is charged as appropriate.
You can reschedule up to 24 hours before the appointment. If the client cancels a session with less than 24-hour notice, then the mentor reserves the right to charge the client for the full session. There are no refunds or rescheduling options for no-show's or missed appointments.
Appointments can be booked up to 24 hours in advance. If you need an appointment within 24 hours then please contact Rebecca directly for availability.
I reserve the right to cancel a session at any time. I will only cancel due to illness or unforeseen circumstances and in the event of this you would receive a full refund or the chance to reschedule.
All sessions are carried out in the strictest confidence, and I will not, at any time either directly or indirectly, use this information for my benefit nor disclose said information to anyone else without your specific approval (excluding disclosure of illegal or unethical activities).
Full privacy policy and GDPR compliance can be found listed in the Privacy Policy.
Results cannot be guaranteed, and the mentor is free of all liability and responsibility for any actions or results from adverse situations created because of specific advice or actions given or taken by myself
The client is required to contribute at each session with honesty and with understanding they are ultimately responsible for change and growth.
The nature of the sessions, is that further issues may be uncovered or unlocked and therefore the initial issue that a client presents with may require further sessions for clearance or can be signposted for more suitable therapies and services.
By using this site you agree to hold The Water Pixie harmless for any intended or unintended results of Treatments and agree that we will not be liable for compensation should any damages or injury result from using our services whihc extends to the use of any of its sites, hyperlinks and information shared. In the event os site failure, computer virus or interruption of availability to our site for any reason, please note that The Water Pixie is not liable for any damages, expenses or losses resulting directly or indirectly from the event.
Any complaints or disagreements should be directed via email at rebeccathewaterpixie@gmail.com and will be answered within 5 working days.